IHO - Circular Letters - 2018


Last updated:20/12/2018

CL61 Cumulative list of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2018
CL60 Adoption of Edition 4.0.0 of IHO Publication S-100 – Universal Hydrographic Data Model
CL59 GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC) Membership - Request for nomination of experts to fill vacancies.
CL58 IHO-IAG Advisory Board on technical aspects of the Law of the Sea (ABLOS) - IHO Representatives
CL57 11th Meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC-11)
6-9 May 2019, Cape Town, South Africa
CL56 Call for approval of Revision to IHO Resolution 6/2009
CL55 Call for Approval of proposed amendments to the IHO Resolution 2/1997, as amended
CL54 Revisions of the terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC)
CL53 Revision of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) and the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC)
CL52 World Hydrography Day - Report on Member States activities in 2018 and the proposed theme for 2019
CL51 Outcome of the 2nd Meeting of the IHO Council.

Call for Approval of Edition 4.0.0 of IHO Publication S-100.
Universal Hydrographic Data Model.

CL49 Adoption of edition 4.8.0 of IHO Publication S-4 - Chart specifications of the IHO
CL48 Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by the Republic of Korea - Call for nominations. Seventh course (August 2019 – August 2020)
CL47 Adoption of edition 6.1.0 of IHO Publication S-58, ENC Validation checks
CL46 Adoption of revisions to IHO Resolutions 7/2009, 9/1932, 4/1982 and for the deletion of IHO Resolutions 4/1937 and 9/1962
CL45 Call for approval of the Edition 1.0.0 of Product Specifications S-122 – Marine Protected Areas and S-123 – Radio Services
CL44 Outcome of the tenth meeting of the IHO Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC10)
CL43 Former Director Kenneth Barbor
CL42 FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - IHO Nomination
CL41 Publication of the Annual Report of the IHO for 2017
CL40 Call for approval of edition 4.8.0 of IHO Publication S-4 - Chart specifications of the IHO
CL39 Call for approval of Revisions to IHO Resolutions 7/2009, 9/1932, 4/1982 and for the deletion of IHO Resolutions 4/1937 and 9/1962

Approval of Edition 6.1.0 of IHO Publication S-58 – ENC Validation Checks;

CL37 Syrian Arab Republic - Suspension of rights of membership of the IHO.
CL36 Implementation of the IHO Work Programme and request for Member States to consider hosting meetings

 Outcome of the 10th meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC)

CL34 Report on the 99th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC99)
CL33 New IHO Member State - Republic of Bulgaria
CL32 Activities for centenary celebrations of the IHO (IHO-100)
CL31 Hydrographic Survey Programme (FIG-IHO-ICA Category B) Sponsored by the Republic of Korea, Successful candidates for the course (16 July – 30 November 2018)
CL30 Cancellation of the implementation date for edition 6.0.0 of the IHO Publication S-58- ENC Validation checks

GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) - Appointment of new members

CL28 iHo-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC)- New IHO representative
CL27 IHO- Nippon Foundation Chart Project- Successful Candidates for the 10th course
(3 September - 14 December 2018)
CL26 Adoption of a new Resolution on the procedure for considering the annual financial statement and the forthcoming budget estinmate and Work Programme.
CL25 Report on the 5th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 5)
CL24 Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by the Republic of Korea. Sixth Course (13 August 2018 - 01 August 2019) - Selection of candidates.
CL23 FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) - Vacancy for an IHO Representative
CL22 Hydrographic Survey Programme (FIG-IHO-ICA Category B) Sponsored by the Republic of Korea.  KHOA, Busan, ROK 16 July - 30 November 2018. Call for Applications.
CL21 Adoption of Revisions of IHO Resolution 5/1957, 1/1969, 9/1967, 5/1972, 1/2014, 4/1957, 8/1967 and withdrawal of IHO Resolutions 1/1965 and 2/1965
CL20 Adoption of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Strategic Plan Review Working Group and Membership
CL19 Adoption of an IHO Resolution on the Elimination of overlapping ENC Data in areas of demonstrable risk to the safety of navigation
CL18 Approval of the withdrawal of IHO Publication B-7 GEBCO Guidelines
CL17  IHO-IOC-Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Training Programme,Call for Applications for the 15th Graduate Certificate Course in Ocean Bathymetry
CL16 Adoption of edition 2.0.0 of the IHO Publication C-17 - Spatial Data Infrastructures "The Marine Dimension" - Guidance for Hydrographic Offices
CL15 Continuation of the adoption process of HSSC and IRCC recommendations
CL14 Project-based support opportunities in the IHO Secretariat
CL13 Adoption of revision 4.1.0 of IHO Publication S-57 Appendix B.1, Annex A - Use of the object catalogue for ENC
CL12 Adoption of the revision of 1.1.0 of IHO Publication S-66 - Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage requirements
CL11 Adoption of revision 3.1.0 of IHO Publication S-11 Part A - Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International (INT) Chart and ENC schemes
CL10Rev1 16th CBSC, 30 May - 01 June, Goa India and 10th IRCC 4-6 June 2018 Goa, India
CL09 New IHO Member State - Republic of Seychelles
CL08 Remittance of annual contributions - Change of bank account details
CL07 Availability of a new informative video on hydrography
CL06 Reinstatement of Dominican Republic

Preparation for the 5th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR). 19 to 23 February 2018, London UK

CL04 IHO - NIPPON Foundation Chart Project -
Call for applications for the 10th Course in Marine Cartography and Data Assessment (FIG-IHO-ICA Category B) - UKHO Taunton, UK,  3 September - 14 December 2018
CL03 Theme for World Hydrography Day 2018
CL02 Call for approval of a new IHO Resolution on the Procedure for considering the Annual Financial Statement and the forthcoming budget estimate and Work Programme, as endorsed by the Council.
CL01 National Experts on the Law of the Sea