IHO - IAG Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea (ABLOS)

15th ABLOS Business Meeting
 14 - 15 October 2008  (IHB, Monaco)

Last update: avril 12, 2011

Post Meeting Documents:   [Minutes]   [Photo

Document No

Document Title


Draft Agenda-Rev1

ABLOS15-Programme Rev 2 Programme for ABLOS 15 Rev2
ABLOS15-6 Minutes of the 14th ABLOS Business Meeting
ABLOS15-7a Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
ABLOS15-7a-1_Rev1 Draft Revised ToR-Rev1
ABLOS15-7b-1 ABLOS Members details
ABLOS15-7b-2 ABLOS Members Periods of appointment
ABLOS15-7c-1 TALOS Technical Assistance
ABLOS15-8a ABLOS Conference Fund Guidelines
ABLOS15-8a-1 ABLOS Conference Fund Balance (1 January 2008)
ABLOS15-8a-2 Draft revised ABLOS Conference Fund Guidelines
ABLOS15-8a-3 ABLOS Conference Fund Budget and update 1 October 2008
ABLOS15-10 Draft Report on Article 82 of the 1982 UN Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) for the 2008 ILA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
ABLOS15-12 Submission to the CLCS in respect of Ascension Island