Commission for the Promulgation of Radio Navigation Warnings (CPRNW)

10th CPRNW Meeting
 25 to 29 August 2008 -  (Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Last update: avril 14, 2011

Post Meeting Documents:   [Report]   [Photo

Document No

Document Title

Invitation Letter of Invitation to the 10th Session of CPRNW
Logistics Logistical Information for CPRNW10
Registration Form Registration Form for CPRNW10
Document Template Document Template for submissions to CPRNW10
Self Assessment Template Template for Self Assessments to CPRNW10 ) Agenda Item 1.6)
CPRNW10_1.5.Rev1 Provisional Agenda Rev1
CPRNW10_1.6 Action Items from CPRNW9 (Version 25Apr08)
CPRNW10_3.1 Report on the Outcome of IMO COMSAR 12
CPRNW10_3.1.1 Liaison Statement from IMO
CPRNW10_3.2.I Self Assessment NAVAREA I
CPRNW10_3.2.I-Sub-area Self Assessment NAVAREA I Sub-area
CPRNW10_3.2.II Self Assessment NAVAREA II
CPRNW10_3.2.III-Rev1 Self Assessment NAVAREA III Rev1
CPRNW10_3.2.IV.XII Self Assessments NAVAREAs IV and XII
CPRNW10_3.2.V.Rev1 Self Assessment NAVAREA V
CPRNW10_3.2.VI Self Assessment NAVAREA VI
CPRNW10_3.2.VII Self Assessment NAVAREA VII
CPRNW10_3.2.VIII Self Assessment NAVAREA VIII
CPRNW10_3.2.IX Self Assessment NAVAREA IX
CPRNW10_3.2.X Self Assessment NAVAREA X
CPRNW10_3.2.XI.Rev1 Self Assessment NAVAREA XI
CPRNW10_3.2.XIII Self Assessment NAVAREA XIII
CPRNW10_3.2.XV Self Assessment NAVAREA XV
CPRNW10_3.2.XX-XXI Self Assessment NAVAREAs XX and XXI
CPRNW10_3.3 Promulgation of MSI to NAVAREA XIX Arctic
CPRNW10_3.3.1 Navtex Panel Report
CPRNW10_3.3.3 WMO Liaison Report
CPRNW10_3.4.1 Arctic MSI Services NAVAREA XIX
CPRNW10_3.4.3 WMO Actions - This is included in the WMO Liaison Report (CPRNW10_3-3-3)
CPRNW10_3.4.4 Applicability of SOLAS to the Caspian Sea
CPRNW10_3.4.5 Establishment of a new Black Sea Sub-Area Co-ordinator within NAVAREA III
CPRNW10_3.5.1 Development of an e-navigation strategy
CPRNW10_3.5.2 Revision of IMO resolution A.888(21) now A.1001(25)
CPRNW10_3.5.4 AIS Binary Messages
CPRNW10_4.2 Draft revised MSI Manual version dated 28 May 2008
CPRNW10_4.2.1 Draft Section 7 for the Joint MSI Manual
CPRNW10_4.2.2 Proposed amendments to the Joint MSI Manual from France, Japan and the Russian Federation
CPRNW10_4.2.3 Proposed amendments to the Joint MSI Manual from Australia, Canada, India and Sweden
CPRNW10_4.2.4 Examples for Section 7 of the Joint MSI Manual from Australia
CPRNW10_4.2.5 Proposed amendments to the Joint MSI Manual from Brazil
CPRNW10_4.2.6 Draft revised Preface for the MSI Manual
CPRNW10_4.2.7 Proposed amendments to the draft MSI Manual by NAVAREA I - UK
CPRNW10_4.2.8 Draft revised section 8 for the Joint SI Manual
CPRNW10_4.2.9Rev1 Comments on Draft MSI Manual by Sweden
CPRNW10_4.2.10 Abbreviations in MSI
CPRNW10-4.3 Proposal for the revision of IHO Publication S-53 and S-53 Appendix 1
CPRNW10-4.4 Draft revision of the IMO SafetyNET Manual Clean copy
CPRNW10-4.4.1 Draft revision of the IMO SafetyNET Manual Copy showing changes from 2003 Edition
CPRNW10-4.4.2 Draft Revision of the EGC SafetyNET Matrix
CPRNW10_4.4.3 Draft amendments to the draft revised SafetyNET Manual
CPRNW10_4.5 Navtex abbreviations in common use by the IMO
CPRNW10_4.7.1 IMO resolution A.664(16) Performance Standards for Enhanced Group Call Equipment
CPRNW10_4.7.2 Draft amendments to A.664(16) proposed by Inmarsat
CPRNW10_4.7.3 Draft amendments to A.701(17) proposed by Inmarsat
CPRNW10_4.8 Draft revised ToR for CPRNW
CPRNW10_7 Any Other Business - Letter from ITU
CPRNW10_Inmarsat Presentation given by Inmarsat