Marine Protected Areas Product Specification.

The SNPWG was tasked by the first HSSC meeting (HSSC1/8) to produce a S-100 based product specification for Marine Protected Areas (MPA) to be used in ECDIS as a Marine Information Overlay (MIO). This task required extensive modelling work which resulted in the definition of few new feature classes, information object classes, attributes and enumerated lists. These have not yet been included in the IHO registry, but are available from the SNPWG wiki.

As there are no S-100 based ECDIS test systems available yet, the Marine Protected Area test datasets (included below) have been produced in Geographic Markup Language (GML) so that they can be loaded and viewed in one of the open source GML viewers. This has also provided an opportunity to test the MPA schemas which are included below.
  • MPA Draft Product Specification. (Version 0.0.2 - dated 02-17-12)
MPA and S-100 Schema Documents and Files

MPA Regulation Type

MPA Area Type

The complete MPA Package including datasets, can be downloaded here.
Please see that explanatory notes below;

  • Each exchange set is wholly contained in an exchange set root directory (folder) and consists of at least a dataset file and a catalogue file, both are XML files. Graphics files and files containing regulatory text are provided as support files (some exchange sets do not need support files). Catalogue files provide metadata about the contents of the exchange set. The catalogue file is located in the exchange set root directory and data and support files are in subdirectories of the exchange set root.
  • The MPA schemas are in GML and use the GML 3.2.1 schemas published by the OGC as well as related schemas needed by GML (W3C “xlink” and ISO 19139 schemas). In addition to the main MPA dataset schemas, XML schemas defining S-100 and S-101 metadata and data quality elements are needed, and since these had not been defined by TSMAD unofficial temporary versions were also defined. Examples of feature and information types in the schemas are in the accompanying figures.
  • The PDF file example at MPAPackageJAN2013/misc/USMPAEX001.1.pdf was generated from the XML dataset for the US North American Right Whale MPA data (MPAPackage JAN2013/USMPAExSet01.1/data/USMPAEX001). The structure roughly follows the structure of the XML dataset, e.g., the Areas section contains a paragraph for each MarineProtectedArea feature in the dataset (paragraphs headed Protected Area, numbered 1.1-1.6), each SeaArea feature (headed Sea Area, numbered 1.7-1.18) and the single RestrictedArea feature (1.19). The information associations in the dataset are used to generate the internal hyperlinks to other paragraphs (e.g., the “linked regulations” line in each “Protected Area” paragraph and the “All related paragraphs” table in each numbered paragraph). The associations were also used to include information from associated objects in some places, for example the “use required for” and “use recommended for” lines for the Ship Reporting System paragraphs (2.1 and 2.2) were generated from the associated Applicability information objects.

Additional documents associated with the MPA datasets can be downloaded for the Micklefirth dataset (fictitious), Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas, Stellwagen dataset, North Atlantic Right Whale protected areas dataset and Hawaii dataset.



MPAs displayed in GML Viewer

Test Data Set   Status  Mapping Status  
Micklefirth final    
Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas final    
Stellwagen final    
North Atlantic Right Whale protected areas final    
Hawaii final