IHO Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application |
19 th
TSMAD Meeting |
Last update: March 02, 2010 |
Post Meeting Documents: [TSMAD19 Minutes] [TSMAD19 Photos] |
Document No |
Document Title |
TSMAD19_Logistics | Logistics Information for the Meeting (See also Hotel Reservation Form) |
TSMAD19-1A | List of Meeting Documents |
TSMAD19-1B | List of Participants |
TSMAD19-2 | Draft Agenda (updated 15 Oct) |
TSMAD19-3 | Minutes of the 18th TSMAD Meeting |
TSMAD19-4.2.2 | Report to TSMAD19 on CSPCWG Activities |
TSMAD19-4.5.1 | S-101 Project Plan (Power Point) |
TSMAD19-4.5.2 | Proposed S-101 draft0.1 (phase 1) October 2009 (MSWord) |
TSMAD19-4.5.3 | S-101 associated spreadsheet of additional issues for resolution (Update Oct 09) (Excel) |
TSMAD19-4.6.1 | Report (Letter) from the S-102 Bathymetric Product Specification Sub-Work Group |
TSMAD19-4.7.1 | Revised version of S-65. Comments/revisions from Australia (.zip format) |
TSMAD19-4.8.1 | Report from the ENC Encoding Bulletin Sub-Working Group |
TSMAD19-4.8.2 | Slaves with more than one master |
TSMAD19-4.9.1 | UN: DOALOS S-10X Maritime Boundary Data Product Specification (MSWord) |
TSMAD19-5.1 | Encoding of Mangrove Coast and Mangrove Areas on ENC (Australia) |
Additional relevant documents (from the HSSC1 meeting) for consideration. |
HSSC1-06.1B | Standardized Development, Consultation and Approval Procedures for IHO Technical Standards |
HSSC1-06.1H rev.1 | Progress Report on the Development of S-100 and its Introduction as an IHO Standard |
HSSC1-INF3 | Information Overlays in ECDIS |
HSSC1-06-10A | Report and Recommendations of EUWG |
HSSC1-06.1G | Proposal to Include a Grid Referencing System in S-100 |