IHO Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application
 Development Working Group (TSMADWG)

TSMAD 20 Meeting
29 Nov to 4 Dec 2010 (Vancouver Island (Sydney), Canada) 

Last update: March 03, 2011

Post Meeting Documents: [Minutes]  [Photos] 

Document No

Document Title


Logistics Information for the Meeting

TSMAD21-1A List of Documents
TSMAD21-1B List of Participants
TSMAD21-2 Agenda (Draft Version 3)
TSMAD21-3A Minutes of the 20th TSMAD Meeting
TSMAD21-3B Status of Actions from TSMAD20
TSMAD21-4.2.1A Information Associations (SNPWG)
TSMAD21-4.2.1.B SNPWG Report to TSMAD
TSMAD21-4.2.2 Tidal Heights - Proposed S-57 Objects and Attribute Catalogue (for information only) (TWLWG)
TSMAD21-4.2.3 S-100 Registry proposals (IENC FDD Enumerations HYDRO.xls) (DQWG)
TSMAD21-4.2.4 Report on CSPCWG Activities
TSMAD21-4.2.7 Expert Team on Sea Ice
TSMAD21-4.4.1 S-100 Registry Status Report (no paper - verbal report)
TSMAD21-4.4.2 Unique Identifier for S-100 Feature Catalogues
TSMAD21-4.4.3 S-100 Feature Catalogue Builder
TSMAD21-4.4.4 Review of Hydro Registry Items (no paper - verbal report)
TSMAD21-4.4.5 Maintenance of S-100
TSMAD21-4.5.1 Use of Offset coordinates in S-101
TSMAD21-4.5.2A S-101 ENC Product Specification - Draft 0.0.0  MS Word Version
TSMAD21-4.5.2B S-101 Product Specification Content Management and Actions
TSMAD21-4.5.4 S-101 Focus Group Meeting Report and Actions
TSMAD21-4.5.5 S-101 Feature Catalogue Draft 0.2 - download compressed file containing:
   - S-101 FC Draft 0.2 20102010.xml
   - S-101 FC Draft 0.2 20102010.html
   - Associated Feature Catalogue Excel file
   - Complex attributes for Structures text
TSMAD21-4.5.6 * S-101 Metadata (Clause 12)
TSMAD21-4.5.7 * S-101 Phase One Action Items
TSMAD21-4.5.8 * Review of 8211 for S-101
  * = documents available in MS Word format and can be downloaded as a single ZIP archive.
TSMAD21-4.5.9 Use Case for Themes to Improve the User Experience
TSMAD21-4.5.10 S-101 DCCG Discussion (no paper yet)
TSMAD21-4.5.11 S-57 to S-101 Open Source Convertor (included in paper TSMAD21-4.5.12 below)
TSMAD21-4.5.12 S-101 Project Plan and Gap Analysis (and S-57 to S-101 Open Source Converter)
TSMAD21-4.5.13 Inclusion of M_QUAL on Small Scale ENCs
TSMAD21-4.5.14A Report on S-101 Data Classification and Encoding Guide
TSMAD21-4.5.14B Draft S-101 Data Classification and Encoding Guide (ZIP format)  (added 16 Nov)
HSSC2-05.1E Reopening of the Use of the Object Catalogue
TSMAD21-4.7.2 Discussion paper on the codification of BCNLAT Colour
TSMAD21-4.7.3 Deficiency Report - Require Addition of a New Attribute Value to CATCRN - Tower Crane
TSMAD21-4.7.4 Deficiency Report - Required Addition of a TWRTPT Object to a Traffic Separation Scheme
TSMAD21-4.7.5 Deficiency Report - Require An Addition to the CATSPM Enumeration List to Include to value "positional mark"
TSMAD21-4.7.6 Deficiency Report - Require An update to the definition of a SLCONS object
TSMAD21-4.7.7 Deficiency Report - Require Addition of a New Attribute Value to CATSEA - "cay"
TSMAD21-4.7.8 Potential removal of CATZOC- Un-assessed Enumeration
TSMAD21-4.7.9 Discussion paper on the use of EXPSOU
TSMAD21-4.7.10 Discussion paper on S-57 - S101 Migration plans for HO's
TSMAD21-4.7.11 Reducing S-57 Data Volumes
TSMAD21-4.8.1 Proposal for Discussion of Encoding Bulletin 31 and the 50KB Limit
TSMAD21-4.9.1 Discussion on the deployment of NEWOBJ.
TSMAD21-4.9.2 Proposals for the use of New Object

Additional relevant documents for consideration