IHO Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC)

4th ARHC Meeting
29-30 January 2014 (Portsmouth, NH, USA)

Scientific Forum on 28 January

Last update: juillet 21, 2014

Post Meeting Documents: [Report] - [Brief] - [Actions] - [Photo

Document No

Document Title


Invitation Letter               Rescheduling ARHC-4            Ground Transport


Registration on line


Report of ArHC3            Statutes of ArHC


Arctic Scientific Forum:    Programme       Attendees

  List of Meeting Documents
  List of Participants
ARHC4-1.3 rev3 Agenda
ARHC4-1.3.1 rev1 Annotated Agenda and tentative Times
ARHC4-1.4 rev2 Status of Actions arising from ARHC-3
ARHC4-2.1 National Report, Canada
ARHC4-2.2 National Report, Denmark
ARHC4-2.3 National Report, Norway
ARHC4-2.4 National Report, Russian Federation
ARHC4-2.5 National Report, USA
ARHC4-3.1 Advancements in the Marine Dimension of Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure - A Strategic Plan for the Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission 2014-2018 - Draft 2
ARHC4-3.1.1 INF US Department of Defense - Arctic Strategy
ARHC4-3.1.2 INF US National Strategy for the Arctic Region
ARHC4-3.1.3 INF US Coast Guard - Arctic Strategy
ARHC4-3.2 Report of the Operations and Technology Working Group (OTWG)
ARHC4-3.2.1 INF1 Continuous Vertical Datum Solution for Canada’s Arctic Waters
ARHC4-3.2.2 INF1 Innovative data collection program delivery techniques in the Canadian Arctic
ARHC4-3.2.3 INF1 Gap Analysis For Hydrography In Canadian Arctic
ARHC4-3.3 Harmonization of Arctic Voyage Planning Guides for Pan Arctic Coverage
ARHC4-3.4 rev1 Report of the Arctic International Charting Coordination Working Group (AICCWG)
ARHC4-3.4.1 Grid for Greenlandic ENCs
ARHC4-4.1 IHB Report
ARHC4-4.3 Associate Membership and Observers of ARHC
ARHC4-4.5 Communications with Arctic Council’s - Protection Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) (Committee)
ARHC4-4.5.1 PAME II-2013 Agenda Item 4.1(c) - AMSA Recommendation I(A) - AOR Final Report Recommendation 3 - Update on Activities of the Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC)
ARHC4-4.6 Progress of portraying ENC data on an ECDIS at high latitudes
ARHC4-5.1 rev1 Report of the Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (MSDIWG)
ARHC4-6.1 List of Actions agreed at IRCC5 - with relevance to RHCs
ARHC4-7.1 HCA Declaration on Cooperative Surveying in Antarctica
ARHC4-7.2 Nordic Nautical Publication WG report