Last update: février 10, 2010
At the 3rd
meeting of the Hydrographic Committee on Antarctica (HCA/3, Monaco, September
2003) , it was agreed that HCA Members would provide the IHB with a list of their publications on Antarctic waters, with a
brief résumé of their contents. To date, information has been provided
by the following HCA Members:
Notes: COMNAP Antarctic-related
publications are at http://www.comnap.aq/publications/
Catalogue is at http://aadc-maps.aad.gov.au/
Sailing Directions
H-205: Derrotero Argentino Parte V. “Antártida y Archipiélagos Subantárticos Argentinos y Suplemento”.
List of Lights
H – 213: Faros y Señales Marítimas. Parte III “Tierra del Fuego, canales e islas adyacentes, Islas Malvinas y Antártida Argentina y Suplemento”.
Tide Tables
H – 610: Tablas de Marea. “Costa Argentina, incluyendo Antártida Argentina y principales puertos de Brasil, Uruguay y Chile”.
H – 920: “Nomenclador Antártico
Antarctic Navigation Course Manual (28 Mb), 2008, in Spanish
Seafarers Handbook
AHO published the Australian Seafarers Handbook in December
2004. The handbook is available in the current edition corrected for notice to
mariners. For details of the
publication see: http://www.hydro.gov.au/prodserv/ash.htm
Chapter 1 (National Description)
Australian Territories : 1 page
brief on the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT).
Time Zones : list the time zones
observed by the permanent Australian Antarctic stations.
Chapter 2 (Maritime Organisations)
A small brief on the roles,
responsibilities and contact details of the Australian Antarctic division (AAD).
Chapter 3 (Seas, Oceans and Seabeds)
Covers sea names, sea surface temperatures, currents for the
region, including to the Antarctic coastline from 175° E to 60° E.
Chapter 4 (Climate)
Covers the region as above for
climate, with specific sections on Sea Ice Limits for the Antarctic, Sea Ice
Movements, Icebergs and Sea Ice Information Services.
Chapter 5 (Maritime Boundaries)
While it does not discuss Antarctica
specifically, the diagram summarising Australias EEZ claim includes the EEZ
off the AAT.
Chapter 6 (Marine Environmental Protection)
Includes a 4 page brief provided by
AAD covering navigation near Antarctica, Environmental Impact Assessment of
activities, Pollution, Quarantine, Landing Ashore and the Australian Antarctic
Chapter 9 (Maritime Safety)
Search and Rescue (SAR), charting,
and vessel operations in Antarctic waters.
The AAT south of 60° S is also covered (but not
specifically) in topics such as Navarea X and high Seas Meteorological
Broadcasts as it lies within these areas of Australian responsibility.
Maritime Gazetteer
The AHO maintains the
Australian Maritime Gazetteer as a web product. The gazetteer is a listing of
all names shown on Australian navigational chart products. The resulting search
provides the lat and long of the place, its feature code and the Australian
navigational charts on which the place is depicted. For details see: http://www.hydro.gov.au/tools/mga/mga.htm
Australian National Tide Tables (ANTT) and Seafarer Tides
The ANTT and Seafarer Tides provide data on eight sites within the Antarctica region. Four are in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT) - Casey, Davis, Mawson and Commonwealth Bay; and two on off-lying islands - Heard Island and Macquarie Island. The other two stations listed in the ANTT are Ross Island (New Zealand) and Port Martin (France). All are listed as secondary ports in the ANTT. Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island are treated as Standard ports in Seafarer Tides to ensure consistency with information provided to the Antarctica research community.
For details see: http://www.hydro.gov.au/prodserv/antt.htm
or http://www.hydro.gov.au/seafarer/tides/tides.htm.
Australian Chart and Publication Maintenance Handbook
The AHO is currently compiling this NP to describe the process for the upkeep of Australian digital and paper navigational products. It is due for publication in 2009.
Australia Pilot Volume II (NP 14)
Under the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office / Australian Hydrographic Office Sailing Directions Cooperation Project, revision of the UKHO Admiralty Sailing Directions - Australia Pilot Volume II (NP14) was published by the UKHO under dual UKHO and AHO badging in November 2007. Australia Pilot Volume I (NP 13) was published under the same arrangement in September 2008.
Sailing Directions
SHOA 3006 - Derrotero de
SHOA 3035 - Instrucciones Generales de Pilotaje en las
Aguas del Territorio
Chileno Antártico (General Instructions for Pilotage in the Water Ways of the
Chilean Antarctic Territory)
SHOA 3040 - Atlas Antártico
SHOA 3042-A - Atlas Hidrográfico Chileno Antártico
Geographical Names
SHOA 3052 - Diccionario de Nombres Geográficos de
20 charts, 12 of them being INT charts (2
published by SHOM and 10 reproduced), only two being referred to WGS84 datum
(INT 9016 and 9017).
Book no.1 « Guide du navigateur »
Provides information on navigation (in general and for example in the ice
or near the icebergs), about the services, the regulations (COLREG, SOLAS,
various aspects of navigation risks (including for example freezing of the super
Sailing directions
Instruction nautique : Iles de lOcéan Indien (partie Sud) Terre Adélie, Update n°3,
2007 .
This SD contains in the chapter 1, one hundred pages of general
information concerning the geography, meteorology, oceanography, ices,
navigation and routes in the Indian Ocean and Antarctic waters (in fact rather
few information concerning Antarctic), and
in the chapter 9 eight pages concerning Terre Adélie.
2009 and 2010
The tide table for the overseas harbours contains
the tide predictions for Base Dumont Durville.
Book no. 95
Maritime Meteorology
Presents the different aspects of maritime
meteorology (general principles, meteorological information for mariners,
meteorological observations from a ship, meteorological codes
) and many
aspects related to the ices and icebergs are described.
Book no. 96.2
Radiometeorological stations volume 2
Provides the list and
characteristics of the stations in Antarctica (all outside Terre Adélie).
Book no. 92.3,
2008 Maritime radio communications volume 3
Provides the list and
characteristics of the radio communication coastal stations in Antarctica (all
outside Terre Adélie).
List of Lights
Volume L, "Océan Indien - Australie",
2007 Update
Sailing Directions
SAN HO 23, Vol
III, Chapter 10, Antarctic Region
The scope of this chapter encompasses that part of NAVAREA VII south of
60º S and the
Sailing Directions
Antarctic Pilot, 7th Edition,
Contains general information on charts and
publications (coverage, usage and maintenance) operational information, maritime
regulations, tides, currents, characteristics of the sea, basic meteorology,
navigation in ice, hazards and restrictions to navigation.
- Ocean Passages of the World
Contains a wealth of information on ocean voyage
planning. Individual chapters on each of the Worlds oceans that contain
advice on winds, weather, climate, seasonal factors, currents, swell and ice
hazards as well as showing the shortest routes between ports and important
Admiralty List of Radio Signals
Provides a comprehensive source of information on
all aspects of Maritime Radio communications.
Coast Radio Stations
Contains details of maritime public
correspondence stations, global maritime communications services, ship reporting
systems, piracy and armed robbery reporting procedures and list of shore-based
MMSI numbers.
Radio Aids to Navigation, Electronic
Position Fixing Systems, Satellite Navigation Systems, Legal Time and Radio Time
Contains a listing of all radar beacons,
international standard and daylight saving times and dates, details of
international time signal broadcast and electronic position fixing.
Maritime Safety Information Services
Contains details of maritime weather services,
maritime safety information broadcasts, details of submarine and gunnery
warnings and radio facsimile stations.
Meteorological Observation Stations
Contains a listing of all meteorological
observation stations worldwide.
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
Contains worldwide communication requirements for
distress, search and rescue.
Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations
Contains detailed pilotage information,
information on global Vessel Traffic Services, reporting points, pilot boarding
positions, ports and harbour communications.
Admiralty List of Navigational Lights & Fog
Provides a world-wide tabulation of all
lighthouses and lights of navigational significance. Also includes lightships,
lit floating marks over 8m in height and fog signals. Contains a listing of
foreign language light descriptions and calculation tables for geographical and
luminous range of lights.
Eastern Atlantic Ocean
Western Side of South Atlantic Ocean and East Pacific Ocean
Admiralty Tide Tables
daily predictions of times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 major
ports, tidal prediction data for more than 6000 secondary ports world-wide,
an explanation of the Simple Harmonic
Method of tidal prediction and values for harmonic constants for over 5000
stations world-wide.
Europe, Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean and South China Sea
Pacific Ocean
- TotalTide
worlds most comprehensive tidal prediction system. It provides instant tidal
height and stream predictions for the worlds commercial shipping routes.
Tidal heights for the worlds standard and secondary ports are displayed
clearly and concisely both in graphical and tabular form.
Tidal stream rates for more than 3000
positions world-wide are presented on a chart based diagram. Enables the user to
select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to 7
consecutive days. Results include periods of daylight and nautical twilight,
moon phases and springs and neaps indicator. Under keel and overhead clearance
can be calculated and displayed as a simple (yet comprehensive) graphic to
ensure safe passage and port entry.