South-West Pacific Hydrographic Commission (SWPHC)

10th Meeting  (9 - 10 November 2010)
(Honiara, Solomon Islands)

Last update: April 19, 2012

Post meeting documents:  [Minutes and Final Report]   [Group Photos]

Document No

Document Title

  SWPHC Letter 3 (dated 13 July 2010) Preparation of the 10th SWPHC Meeting
  Logistics Information
SWPHC10-1A Provisional list of Participants
SWPHC10-1B Provisional list of documents
SWPHC10-2 Provisional Agenda (updated 22 Oct 10)
SWPHC10-3 Actions List Resulting from the 9th Conference
SWPHC10-4.1 French national report
SWPHC10-4.2 UK national report
SWPHC10-4.3A New Zealand - national report
SWPHC10-4.3B New Zealand MSI Self Assessment NAVAREA XIV
SWPHC10-4.4A Australia - national report
SWPHC10-4.4B Australia MSI Self Assessment NAVAREA XIV
SWPHC10-4.5 Papua New Gunie - National report
SWPHC10-4.6 USA - National report (updated)
SWPHC10-4.7 Solomon Islands national report
SWPHC10-5A SOPAC report
SWPHC10-5B 13th PacMA meeting report
SWPHC10-6A IHO CL50/2010 - Outcome of IRCC2
SWPHC10-6B IHB Report
SWPHC10-6C IHB Report on IRCC-2 and HSSC-2
SWPHC10-7A 2009 Prioritized CBSC Funds Applications
SWPHC10-7B CBSC8 report
SWPHC10-7C CBSC procedures
SWPHC10-7D IHO CL68/2010 - Course in marine cartography, March 2011, Taunton
SWPHC10-7E Report of Capacity Building visit to The Solomon Islands
SWPHC10-7F Report by SWPHC Capacity Building Coordinator (Australia)
SWPHC10-7G Solomon Islands report concerning the establishment of SIMSA
SWPHC10-8A IHO CL23/2010 - IHO CL23/2010  Approval of edition 2.003 of S-11 part A  - Guidance for the  Preparation and Maintenance of International Chart Schemes
SWPHC10-10A C-55 Composite for INT Region L
SWPHC10-13A IHO CL89/2005 - IHO response to disasters