IHO Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application
 Development Working Group (TSMADWG)

TSMADWG 25 Meeting
 15 - 18 January 2013 (Tokyo, Japan) 

Last update: July 11, 2013

Post Meeting Documents: [TSMAD 25 Minutes (Word Format)] [Action Items]  [Meeting Photos
                                       S-101_Comment Form Phase 4 - Consolidated text from editing discussion (MS Word)

Document No

Document Title


Logistics Information for the Meeting (MS Word Format)

Please see; Meeting Information and Programme and Getting to the JHOD Map

TSMAD25-DCEG Link to - Data Capture and Encoding Documents below
TSMAD25-1A List of Documents
TSMAD25-1B List of Participants - (including hotel booking confirmations)
TSMAD25-2 Draft Agenda (rev 12)
TSMAD25-3 Minutes of the 24th Meeting - IHB, Monaco
TSMAD25-3.1 Action Items from 24 meeting
Report from SNPWG
Harmonised Model for Light Information
TSMAD25-4.2.2 Report from CSPCWG
TSMAD25-4.2.3 Report from DQWG
TSMAD25-4.2.4 Report from DIPWG
TSMAD25-4.2.5 Report from TWLWG
TSMAD25-4.2.6 Report from IALA
TSMAD25-4.2.7 Report from DGIWG
TSMAD22-4.3.1A S-100 Product Specification Template
TSMAD25-4.3.1B S-10n Product Specification Template
TSMAD25-4.3.2 Revisions and Extensions to S-100 Edition 1.0.0
TSMAD25-4.3.4 IALA - Introduction to Preparing S-100 Product Specifications
TSMAD25-4.3.5 S-100 Metadata Schema
TSMAD25-4.3.6 Inclusion of a Temporal Model within S-100
TSMAD25.4.3.7 S-100 Portrayal
TSMAD25-4.3.8 Revision of the ISO8211 Encoding in S-100
TSMAD25-4.3.9 Proposal to formalize the identifiers for S-100 based product specifications
TSMAD25-4.3.10 Development of a Guideline for S-100 Product Specification Development
TSMAD25-4.3.12A GML Profile for S-100
TSMAD25-4.3.12B GML Profile - Annex A  (ZIP File)
TSMAD25-4.3.13A SNPWG - Marine Protected Area Schema
TSMAD25-4.3.13B SNPWG - Marine Protected Area Schema XML Files (ZIP format)
TSMAD25-4.4.1 Update information feature worked examples
TSMAD25-4.5.1A S-101 Status and Risk Register
TSMAD25-4.5.1B S-101 Risk Register
TSMAD25-4.5.2 S-101 Requirements Test Case
TSMAD25-4.5.3 S-101 Test Case - Statement of Objectives (rev 1)
TSMAD25-4.5.3A S-101 Draft Test Plan
TSMAD25-4.5.4 S-101 Phase 4 – Comments and Editorial Observations.
TSMAD25-4.5.4A Draft ENC Product Specification, Phase 4 - November 2012
TSMAD25-4.5.5 S-57 Compilation Scale to S-101 Display Scale Convertor Mappings
TSMAD25-4.5.6 Validation Checks for S-101
TSMAD25-4.5.7 S-101 Vertical Datum
TSMAD25-4.5.8 Producer Agency Codes and S-101
TSMAD25-4.5.9A S-101 Impact Study - Hydrographic Offices  (See S-101 Survey Report Presentation)
TSMAD25-4.5.9B S-101 Impact Study - ECDIS Manufacturers
TSMAD25-4.5.9C S-101 Impact Study - Mariners
TSMAD25-4.5.9D S-101 Impact Study - RENCs and VARs
TSMAD25-4.5.9E S-101 Impact Study - Ship Owners
TSMAD25-4.5.9F S-101 Impact Study - Software Producers
TSMAD25-4.5.10 S-101 Metadata Comments – or how TSMAD learned to love metadata
TSMAD25-4.5.11 S-57 to S-101 convertor (mapping table)
TSMAD25-4.6.1A S-52 CSP Review – New attributes to simplify portrayal
TSMAD25-4.6.1B S-52 CSP Review – Proposal for a light description
TSMAD25-4.6.1C Light Descriptions
TSMAD25-4.6.2 Eliminating the RESARE03, RESTRNnn CSP and the RESCSP02 CSP sub-routine
TSMAD25-4.6.3 Auxiliary Files and S-101

Risks attached to the concept of Scale Independent and Scale Dependent (SI-SD) data sets (rev1) - Presentation

TSMAD25-4.7.1A S-58 Test Dataset
TSMAD25-4.7.1B S-58 Test Dataset - UK (Paper)
TSMAD25-4.7.1C S-58 Test Dataset - UK (Test datasets - ZIP format)
TSMAD25-4.7.2 S-58 5.0.0 Draft  (ZIP file containing; S58 5.0.0 Section 1.doc, S58_Ed5_proposal_conclusions.doc, S-58 5.0.0 Section 2.xls, S-58 5.0.0 TSMAD 25.doc)
TSMAD25-4.7.2A NOAA - Testing S-58 Validation Checks Using Dedicated Test ENC Datasets (new)
S-58 Test Dataset produced by NOAA  (link to download page) (new)
TSMAD25-4.7.3 Proposed S-58 Validation Check on the Vertex Density of Edges
TSMAD25-4.7.4 Use of the attribute TECSOU on the object M_QUAL
TSMAD25-4.8.1 Encoding All Round (Omni-directional) lights
TSMAD25-4.8.2 Proposals to amend the UOC
TSMAD25-4.8.3 S-57 Maintenance Sub-Working Group Report
TSMAD25-4.8.4 Restricted areas in S-57 ENCs
TSMAD25-4.9.1 Draft S-64 3.0.0 (ZIP file containing S-64 3.0.0.doc, Change Tracker S-64 3.0.0.xls, S-64 3.0.0 Outline Draft 0.4.doc, S-64 3.0.0 TOR 17102012.doc)
TSMAD25-4.10.1 Encoding Bulletin to address Cancel Cell Update
TSMAD25-4.10.2 IALA - AIS Virtual Aid to Navigation (rev 1)

Considerations on the implementation of Annex 1 to TSMAD Terms of Reference
Finish Response to 4.11.1(Considerations on the implementation of Annex 1 to TSMAD Terms of Reference)

TSMAD25-4.11.2 S-52 Presentation Library
TSMAD25-4.11.2B Proposed Changes to S-52 Presentation Library (new)
TSMAD25-4.11.2C S-52 Presentation Library Part 1 - redline version (ZIP format)  (new)
TSMAD25-4.11.3 TSMAD Terms of Reference
TSMAD25-5.1 Development of an S-100 Based Product Specification for Ocean Forecasts
Korean Report on "Is Your Bathymetry REAL?" and
TideBed : Tide datum relationship database of Korea

TSMAD25 INF Papers

TSMAD25-INF1 Use of Topography and Other Items of Interest
TSMAD25-INF2 S-101 Value Added Roadmap
TSMAD25-INF3 Feature relationships and coming challenges of e-Navigation
TSMAD25-INF4 Liaison Note from SNPWG IHO GI Registry - Desirable Components and Tools

Data Capture and Encoding Guide Documents

DCEG1. - .pdf Agenda - DCEG Sub-WG (rev 2)
DCEG2. - pdf Actions from Monaco and Status
DCEG3 - pdf Lights Model
DCEG4 - .xls Phase 2 Feature and Introduction Comment Sheet Consolidated Oct 25
DCEG5 - .xls NewS-101_ItemsTrackingCatalogue_22082012
DCEG6. .doc Introduction with Comments
DCEG7 .pdf Index and Introduction
DCEG8. - pdf Features
DCEG9 - .pdf Attributes and Updating
DCEG10 - .doc Metadata
DCEG11 - .pdf Associations
DCEG12 - .pdf Data Classification and Encoding Guide
DCEG13 - .pdf Draft DCEG August 2012 - Sub WG Items
DCEG14 - .pdf Vertical Clearance Complex
DCEG15 - .pdf Horizontal Clearance Complex
DCEG16 - .pdf Defining Scale for Display of Names
DCEG17 - .pdf Buoy Non-navigational
DCEG18 - .pdf Areas to be avoided