IHO - Circular Letters - 2016 |
Last updated: 23/12/2016 |
CL69 | Cumulative list of IHO Circular Letters issued in 2016 |
CL68 | Establishment of the IHO Project Team on Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (HS PT), Terms of Reference |
CL67 | Consideration of port State control issues related to ECDIS carriage and operation |
CL66 | Notice of dates for the first meeting of the IHO Council (C-1) |
CL65 | Notice of Approval of IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2017 |
CL64 |
Approval of Revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the IRCC |
CL63 | Notice of the distribution of regionally-based seats on the IHO Council. |
CL62 | Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Mediterranean Science Commission |
CL61 | Theme for World Hydrography Day 2017 |
CL60 | Application from the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators to be granted observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization |
CL59 | Call for comments on draft new edition 2.0.0 of IHO Publication C-17 -Spatial data infrastructures "The Marine Dimension" - Guidance for Hydrographic Offices. |
CL58 | Project-based support opportunities in the IHO Secretariat |
CL57 | Call for comments on draft new edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-8B Standards of Competence for Category "B" Nautical Cartographers |
CL56 | Granting of Observer status to the World Ocean Council as a Non-Governmental International Organization |
CL55 | Annual Report of the IHO for 2015 and approval of the recommendations in the Finance Report |
CL54 |
Proposed IHO Work Programme and Budget for 2017 |
CL53 | Establishment of a Memorundum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium |
CL52 | Proposed dates for the first meeting of the IHO Council (C-1) |
CL51 |
Master of Science Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern Mississippi (USA) sponsored by the Republic of Korea - Call for nominations (Fifth course August 2017- August 2018) |
Adoption of Edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-5A - Standards of Competence for Category "A" Hydrographic Services | |
CL49 | Outcome of the 14th Meeting of the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC14) |
CL48 | Report on the overall status of the IHO Work Programme Mid-Year 2016 |
CL47 | Prince Albert 1st Medal for Hydrography - 2017 Call for Nominations |
CL46 | Call for Member States to declare in which Regional Hydrographic Commission (RHC) they wish to be counted for the purpose of determining the number of seats allocated to each RHC in the IHO Council. |
CL45 | Approval of Edition 8.0.0 of IHO Publication M-7 Staff Regulations of the IHO |
CL44 | Revision of the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) |
CL43 | ICC 2017 - 28th International Cartographic Conference (Washington, DC, USA, 2-7 July 2017) |
CL42 | Outcome of the Eighth Meeting of the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC8) |
CL41 | Date of entry into force of the Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and its supporting Documents. |
CL40 | World Hydrography Day - Proposed Theme for 2017. |
CL39 | Former Director Adam KERR. |
CL38 | Sixth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). |
CL37 | Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organsization and the Open Geospatial Consortium |
CL36 | Granting of Observer Status to INTERTANKO |
CL35 | Signing of an Agreement on Cooperation between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Seabed Authority. |
CL34 | Recent developments related to the IHO-IOC GEBCO Project |
CL33 | Application from the World Ocean Council to be granted observer status as a Non-Governmental International Organization |
CL32 | Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa. |
CL31 | Responses to the call for submissions to update the IHO strategic plan |
CL30 | Call for Approval of Edition 1.0.0 of IHO Publication S-5A Standards of Competence for Category "A" Hydrographic Surveyors |
CL29 | Annual Report of the IHO for 2015 |
CL28 | Progress on the Approval of the Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO |
CL27 | Call for Approval of a Revision of IHO Resolution 3/1919 - Datums and Bench Marks |
CL26 | Call for Approval of a new edition of the Staff Regulations of the IHO |
CL25 | HSSC 8th Meeting, 14-18 November 2016, IHB Monaco. |
CL24 | Report on the 96th Session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee |
CL23 | Announcement of the Selection of a Technical Standards Support Officer in the Secretariat of the IHO. |
CL22 | Proposed Agreement on Cooperation between the IHO and the International Seabed Authority |
CL21 | Application from INTERTANKO to be granted Observer Status as a Non-Governmental International Organization |
CL20 | IHO - Nippon Foundation Chart Project - Successful Candidates for the 8th Course (5 September - 16 December 2016) |
CL19 | Approval of the Finance Report for 2015 |
CL18 | Establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Hydrographic Organization and the International Cable Protection Committee |
CL17 | Call for Submissions to update the IHO Strategic Plan |
CL16 | Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO. 47 of 48 Approvals Achieved |
CL15 | Adoption of the revision 4.6.0. of the IHO Publication S-4 - Chart Specifications of the IHO |
CL14 | Report on the overall status of the IHO Work Programme end of 2015 |
CL13 | Report on the 3rd Session of the IMO Sub Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR3) |
CL12 |
Master of Science
Programme in Hydrographic Surveying at the University of Southern
Mississippi (USA). Sponsored by the Republic of Korea. 4th Course (8
August 2016 - 4 August 2017). Selection of Candidates. |
CL11 | Request for Shallow Water Bathymetric Data |
CL10 | Fourteenth Meeting of the CBSC14, Abu Dhabi UAE 24-26 May 2016 and Eighth Meeting of the IRCC8, Abu Dhabi UAE, 29-31 May 2016 |
CL09 | IHO Publication C-16: National Hydrographic Regulations. Request for updated information |
CL08 |
IHO-IOC-Nippon Foundation GEBCO Training Project Call for Applications for the 13th Graduate Certificate Course in Ocean Bathymetry |
CL07 | Draft New Edition 1.0.0 of the IHO Publication S-5A- Standards of Competence for Category "A" Hydrographic Surveyors |
CL06 | GEBCO (Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) - Appointement of a New Member |
CL05 |
IHO Publication M-2 The Need for National Hydrographic Services - Release of edition 3.0.5 |
CL04 |
- Nippon Foundation Chart Project. Call for
Applications for 8th Course in
Marine Cartography and Data Assessment
(FIG-IHO-ICA Category B) UKHO, Taunton, UK,
CL03 | National Experts on the Law of the Sea |
CL02 | Outcome of the seventh meeting of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) |
CL01 | Status Report on Approvals of Amendments to the Convention on the IHO and of Applications from New Member States. |