26-27 September 2012, Taunton, United Kingdom
and HSSC - overview and introduction, G. Bessero, IHB
Charts, ECDIS and ENCs: The Shipowners’ point of view, J. Langley, ICS
Charts, ECDIS and ENCs: The Seafarers ’ point of view, C. Lowe, WMA
type approval process - OEM point of view, H. Peiponen, Furuno
S-100 and type
approval - Implications of S-100 based data products on type approval,
H. Bothien, 7Cs
Progress report on ECDIS operating anomalies, C. Smith, UKHO
Computer system safety in the context of marine systems such as ECDIS,
M. Nicholson, York U.
report on global survey data coverage, G. Bessero, IHB
The Satellite
Derived Chart, J. Laporte, SHOM
coverage - status, issues, progress, solutions, J. McMichael-Phillips,
S-100 -
Update and overview, T. Richardson, UKHO
S-101 - Progress
report and next moves, B. Greenslade, UKHO
Data Quality in S-101, C. Howlett, UKHO
Future S-100 based applications and value-added services, JJ Unggyu Kim,
Hyundai e-Marine
Charts for ECDIS, J. Holfort, German Ice Service
WMS and GIS,
A. Pharaoh, IHB
Hydrographic Data Beyond Charting, R. Ponce, ESRI
Hydrographic data and its role in MSDI, J.P. Hartmann, KMS, Denmark
E-Navigation and the role of hydrographic data, M. Bergmann, Jeppesen
E-navigation and the role of hydrographic data, A. Norris, IEC