Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI)

Open Forum
3 March 2015 (London, UK)

Last update: 05 mars 2015

List of Participants      Programme      Photograph


SESSION 1  MSDI and Hydrography

Dr Edward Hosken (UKHO)

e-Navigation & MSDI: The role of IHO, IMO and Developers

Jens Peter Hartmann (MSDIWG Chair)

IHO MSDIWG:  Vision and Deliverables to the IHO


SESSION 2  Geospatial Data Developments in UK

Antonio Acuna (Cabinet Office, UK)

UK Public Data Policy

Les Rackham (Consulting Where, UK)

Open Data - The Economic Stimulus

Dr David Morris (Cefas, UK)

From Open towards Linking Marine Data?


SESSION 3  Geospatial Information Developments in Europe and Beyond

Hugo de Groof (Policy Lead, EC-JRC, Italy)

INSPIRE- Developing the Marine Pilot project

Peter Parslow (Ordnance Survey, UK)

Obtaining Value from Open Data Standards

Jon Iliffe (University College London)

Vertical Datum to Support Future Navigation and Offshore Commerce

Rafael Ponce (Esri Inc. USA)

GI Developments beyond Europe


SESSION 4  SDI Case Studies

Dr Clare Postlewaite (Programme Manager, UK)

MEDIN: The Hub for UK Marine Data

Johannes Melles (BSH, Germany)

MSDI Developments in Germany (part 1, part 2)

Dr Mike Osborne (OceanWise, UK)

Delivering a Marine Information Infrastructure for Ports

Gehard Heggebo (Norwegian Hydrographic Service)

GeoNorge: The National Hub for Sharing Data in Norway

Jens Peter Hartmann (DGA, Denmark)

MSDI in the Baltic

Brian Parish (Joint GEOINT- UK)

SDI The Future Defence Capability

Dr Kian Fadaie (Director of Hydrography - Canadian Hydrographic Service)

SDI in Canada


SESSION 5  Open Discussion

Joep Crompvoets (University of  Leuven, Netherlands)

What are the Benefits of MSDI and are we willing, able and ready to contribute?