North Sea Hydrographic Commission (NSHC)

27th Meeting
4 - 6 September 2006 - (Rostock, Germany)

Last update: May 18, 2009

Post Meeting Documents: [Report]

Document No

Document Title

NSHC27-1A Invitation 
NSHC27-1B Outline programme for the meeting
NSHC27-1C Provisional Agenda Version 1.2
NSHC27-1D List of participants
NSHC27-1E List of Action
NSHC27-1F Final Minutes
NSHC27-1G Conclusion 
NSHC27-2A NSHC Conference Conclusions(ENA4_UK)
NSHC27-2B NSHC Conference Conclusions( Zip File)
NSHC27-3 Review of status of Hydrographic Surveying, Nautical Charting and MSI in the NSHC area(ENB1_UK)
NSHC27-4 Hydrographic Surveys and Nautical Charts(ENB2_NO)
NSHC27-5 Production of the new ENCs "Harbour Antwerpen Noord", "River Schelde to Wintam" and "Canal Gent - Terneuzen".(ENB2_BE)
NSHC27-6 Optimisation of chart production: Implementation of CARIS HPD.(ENB3_BE)
NSHC27-7 Production System Upgrade SHIP2(ENB3_NL)
NSHC27-8 Optimisation of the distribution of hydrographic data.(ENB4_BE)
NSHC27-9 Status of Integrated Database at BSH (HPD) (ENB4_DE)
NSHC27-10 German Bight Chart Datum Model over Ellipsoid(ENB5_DE)
NSHC27-11 LAT-conversion: Report of progress(ENB5_NL)
NSHC27-12 Using the ellipsoid as vertical reference for seabed mapping(ENB5b_NO)
NSHC27-13 Expectations for a new positioning system(TerraPos)(ENB5c_NO)
NSHC27-14 Installation of new MBESs(ENB6_BE)
NSHC27-15 Survey equipment RNLN (ENB6_NL)
NSHC27-16 Satellite Imagery - Examination and use of widely available satellite imagery.(ENB7_UK)

Improvement of the accuracy of the Greenlandic Charts(ENB8_DK)

NSHC27-18 Limit of areas of responsibility for surveying in the southern North Sea and Dover Straits.(ENB9_UK)
NSHC27-19 (NL) Digital Sailing Directions (ENB10_NL)
NSHC27-20 Reorganisation of the Belgian hydrographic services into one organisation "Flemish Hydrography"(ENC1_BE)
NSHC27-21 Reorganisation Netherlands Hydrographic Office (ENC1_NL)
NSHC27-22 Reorganisation of Hydrographic Offices-New Chief Executive, National Hydrographer and reorganisation at UKHO(ENC1_UK)
NSHC27-23 SHOM 2007- new statutes, new organization(ENC1_FR)
NSHC27-24 SHOM awarded ISO 9001:2000 certification for the complete range of its activities(ENC1a_FR)
NSHC27-25 First bilateral agreement between UKHO and Flemish Hydrography(ENC2_BE)
NSHC27-26 Results of Rostock Seminar on SDI – Action for HOs?(ENC3a_DE)
NSHC27-27 Conclusions from North Sea Ministerial Conference: Implementation by member HO’s(ENC3B_DE)
NSHC27-28 The EU Hydrographic Service(s)(ENC3c_FR)
NSHC27-29 European Initiatives - INSPIRE Directive, EU Maritime Green paper.(ENC3d_UK)
NSHC27-30 National Initiatives affecting Hydrography-UK Initiatives: UK Marine Bill and Marine Data & Information Partership(MDIP)(ENC4_UK)
NSHC27-31 Digital Norway(ENC5_NO)
NSHC27-32 The NHS quality management system(ENC6_NO)
NSHC27-33 Integrated Maritime Services(ENC7_NO)
NSHC27-34 Ongoing work of the IHOCBC(END1_UK)
NSHC27-35 Schelde ECDIS Project(END2_BE)
NSHC27-36 Small Scale ENC Coverage for NSHC Area(END3_DE)
NSHC27-37 Consider adoption of IHO standard RHC Agenda and National Reports(END4_Chair)
NSHC27-38 Meeting Schedule of NSHC: back to annual meetings? (END4_DE)
NSHC27-39 Report/minutes from the SPWG meeting in Korea and proposal to the XVII Conference(END5_NO)
NSHC27-40 SPWG developments and procedure for selection of Members to Council(END5_Chair)
NSHC27-41 Primar Stavanger, Report 2006 (END6_NO)
NSHC27-42 Status IC-ENC(END6_UK)
NSHC27-43 Report of the WG on Standardisation of Digital Exchange
 of Notices to Mariners
NSHC27-44 Report of 14th NSHC Tidal Committee meeting(ENE2_BE)
NSHC27-45 NW European Charting Group-approval of ToRs and Work plan(ENE3_UK)
NSHC27-46 The MAREANO Programme(ENF1_NO)
NSHC27-47 Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the Barents Sea and the Sea Areas off the Lofoten Islands (management plan)(ENF2_NO)
NSHC27-48 The World Hydrographic Day(ENF3_FR)
NSHC27-49 Kern Conference Picture
NSHC27-50 Helcom Resurvey Presentation
NSHC27-51 B4 Presentation(Ship2_NL)
NSHC27-52 B5 Presentation(GPS_Heihgt_DE)
NSHC27-53 C4 Presentation(UK_Marine)
NSHC27-54 DI Presentation(Support to IHO CBC)
NSHC27-55 E1 Presentation(Digital_NtM)