Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC) Commission hydrographique régionale de l'Arctique (CHRA)

Chair: Shep SMITH (USA) Vice-Chair: Dr Geneviève BÉCHARD (Canada) |
Président : Shep SMITH (Etats Unis d'Amérique) Vice-Président: Dr. Geneviève BÉCHARD (Canada) |
Members: Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russian Federation, United States | Membres :Canada, Danemark, Norvège, Fédération de Russie, Etats-Unis |
Associate Members: Finland, Iceland, Italy | Membres associés : Finlande, Islande, Italie |
Observers: | Observateurs: |
IHO Secretariat Representatives: Dr Mathias JONAS, Secretary-General Assistant Director Yves GUILLAM |
Représentants du Secrétariat de l'OHI : Dr. Mathias JONAS, Secrétaire général Adjoint aux Directeurs Yves GUILLAM |
Brief History To be completed |
Brève histoire A compléter |
Structure for National Reports | Structure des rapports nationaux |
Statutes | Letters | Statuts | Lettres |
Next Conference | |
10th Conference - Anchorage&Nome, Alaska, USA (10-14 August 2020) | Documents |
Past Meetings | |
9th Conference - Murmansk, Russian Federation (17-19 September 2019) | Documents |
8th Conference - Longyearbyen (78°13'23.5"N, 015°37'36.1"E), Svalbard, Norway (11-13 September 2018) | Documents |
7th Conference - Ilulissat (69°13'11.3"N, 051°05'55.0"W), Greenland, Denmark (22 - 24 August 2017) | Documents |
Special meeting - Monaco (26 April 2017, in conjunction with IHO-A1) | Documents |
6th Conference - Iqaluit (63°45'09.7"N, 068°32'40.7"W), Nunavut, Canada (3 and 6 October 2016) | Documents |
Extraordinary meeting - Abu Dhabi, UAE (28 & 31 May 2016; in the margins of the IRCC-8) | Minutes |
ARHC Teleconference Call (13 April 2016) | Documents |
5th meeting - Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (28 - 30 October 2015) | Documents |
Special meeting - Monaco (7 October 2014; in the margins of the EIHC-5) | Documents |
4th meeting - Portsmouth, NH, United States (29-30 January 2014; Science Forum on 28 January) | Documents |
3rd meeting - Tromsø, Norway (9-11 October 2012; Science Forum on 9 October) | Documents |
2nd meeting - Copenhagen, Denmark (27-29 September 2011) | Documents |
1st meeting - Ottawa, Canada (4-6 October 2010) | Documents |
Miscellaneous | |
Standing cautionary notice issued by ARHC concerning the use of nautical charts of Arctic waters - June 2017 | Notice |
Terms of Reference for the ARHC Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG) [dismantled at ARHC-5] | Document |
Terms of Reference for the ARHC Operations and Technologies Working Group (OTWG) | Document |
Terms of Reference for the Arctic International Charting Coordination Working Group (AICCWG) | Document |
Terms of Reference for the Arctic Regional Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures Working Group (ARMSDIWG) | Document |