IHO Digital Information Portrayal Working Group (DIPWG)

Combined 22nd TSMAD and 3rd DIPWG Meeting
Seoul, Rep of Korea (11-15 April 2011)


Last update: octobre 13, 2011

Note: TSMAD22 (bold) = 'Main interest is for TSMAD' - DIPWG3 (bold) = 'Main interest is for DIPWG'

Post Meeting Documents: [TSMAD-22 Minutes] - [DIPWG-3 Minutes] - [Group Photo] - 

Document No

Document Title


Logistics (Hotels, ...)

TSMAD22/DIPWG301A rev7 Joint List of Documents 
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 01B Joint List of Participants
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 02A rev7 Joint Agenda 
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 03A Minutes of the 21st TSMAD Meeting
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 03B Status of Actions from TSMAD21  (See documents 03C, 03D, 03E and 03F)
Modifications to the ISO/IEC 8211Encoding of S-100
Modification of the General Feature Model
Modification of the Feature Catalogue Model
Modified S-100 Feature Catalogue (ZIP File)
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 04A Minutes of the 2nd DIPWG Meeting
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 06.2A rev1 Report on CSPCWG activities  
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.2A Simplified vs Traditional Symbols [Harmon]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.3A rev1 Sector Lights [Coombes]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.4A rev1 Cursor Enquiry & Pick Reports [Coombes]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.5A S-101 Use Case Themes [Powell]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.5B Display Categories [Le Bihan]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.5C Display Priorities [Le Bihan]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.6A Corrections to ECDIS Chart 1 & S-52, Annex A, Section 15 [Jeppesen]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.6B Revised ECDIS Chart 1 (ZIP) [Jeppesen]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.6C Improvement of Symbolization for RESARE and LNDMRK Feature Objects [Jeppesen]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.6D Contradictions in Presentation of Navigation (Mariners’) objects between IHO Presentation Library and IEC 62288 [Jeppesen]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 08.8A Proposal to Produce a New Version of S-52
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 09.1A Portrayal Register [Greenslade]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 09.2A Portrayal Catalogue [Richardson]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 09.2B Display Rules (xls file) (Richardson]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 09.3A Portrayal Documentation (ZIP) [Harmon]
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 10.1A Use of the Object Catalogue Review Report
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 10.1B Draft Use of the Object Catalogue (Edition 3)
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 10.2A ECDIS Test Data
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 10.2B Test Data Pack Ver 1.1 (ZIP file)
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 10.3A Overuse of Caution Areas
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.1A S-101 Project Update March 2011
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.2A S-101 Open Source Translator
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.3A S-101 Consolidated Comments Phase 1
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.3B S-101 Phase 2 Product Specification
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.3C S-101 Content Management Guide
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.4A S-101 Document Structure
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.5A S-101 Scale Independent and Scale Dependent Analysis
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.6A S-101 Display Scale
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.7A S-101 Data Quality
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.8A S-101 Exchange Set
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.9A S-101 Support Files
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.11A S-101 Text Placement
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.13A Update Information in S-101
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 11.14A Tidal Information in S-101
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 12.1A S-102 Proposed Product Specification
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 12.1B S-102 List of Midifications

Additional relevant documents for consideration

TSMAD22/DIPWG3 INF1 Use of symbolization of ENC in ECDIS, compared with paper charts
TSMAD22/DIPWG3 INF2 Use of ENC and ECDIS in the Arctic area