IHO Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS)

20 th CHRIS Meeting
3-7 November 2008 (3pm, 4 & 7am) (Niteroi, RJ, Brazil)
+ Chair Group Meeting, 3 Nov, am

Last update: janvier 14, 2009

Post Meeting Documents:   [Minutes]  -  [Photo] - [Actions & Status]

Document No

Document Title

CHRIS20-01A rev.10

List of Documents

CHRIS20-01B rev.6

List of Participants


CHRIS - Contacts List

CHRIS20-01D Terms of Reference for CHRIS and related Working Groups

CHRIS20-02A rev.10

Agenda and Timetable

CHRIS20-03A Minutes of the 19th CHRIS Meeting 


List of Actions from the 19th CHRIS Meeting and Status
CHRIS20-04.1A rev.2 Outcomes from the 11th WEND Committee Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2-5 September 2008 (IHB)
CHRIS20-04.2A Report on IMO activities affecting CHRIS (IHB)
CHRIS20-04.3A Report on ISO-TC211 activities affecting CHRIS (B. Greenslade)


Report  on IHO liaison with DGIWG (B. Greenslade)


Report on IEC-TC80-WG7 activities affecting CHRIS : See CHRIS20-INF4

CHRIS20-04.6A Outcome of NSHC 28: definition and length of coastline
CHRIS20-05.1A  Outcomes from the S-101 Workshop, Monaco, 4-6 March 2008 (IHB)
CHRIS20-05.1B  Outcomes from the 4th ECDIS Stakeholders' Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 3-4 September 2008 (IHB)
CHRIS20-05.1C Dynamic Water Depths in ECDIS (IHB)
CHRIS20-05.2A  Report on Activities of the Open ECDIS Forum (L. Alexander, USA-UNH and OEF Board of Advisors)
CHRIS20-06.1A rev.1
Report of TSMAD (B. Greenslade, UK, Chair)
CHRIS20-06.1B rev.1 Governance and Management Arrangements for the IHO Information Registry (TSMAD Chair)
CHRIS20-06.1C rev.1 Temporary (T) and Preliminary (P) Notices to be used with ENCs (France)
CHRIS20-06.1D rev.2
Canadian position regarding CHRIS19- 06.1C - Recommendations for Consistent ENC Data Encoding (Canada)
CHRIS20-06.1E Adoption and Publication of IHO S-100 - The Hydrographic Geospatial Standard for Marine Data and Information (TSMAD Chair)
ENC harmonisation on the Baltic Sea (Denmark & Finland)
CHRIS20-06.2A  Report of DPSWG (J. Pritchard, UK, Chair)
Report of CSMWG (M. Jonas, Germany, Chair)
CHRIS20-06.4A  Report of SNPWG (D. Acland, UK, Chair)
CHRIS20-06.5A  Report of CSPCWG (P. Jones, UK, Chair)
CHRIS20-06.6A  Report of DQWG (S. Smith, USA-NOAA, Chair)
Report of MSDIWG (J. Pepper, UK, Chair)
CHRIS20-06.8A rev.1
Report of HCIWWG (W. Cavalheiro, Brazil, Chair)
CHRIS20-07.1A  rev.1 Report of HGMIO (L. Alexander, USA-UNH, Chair)
CHRIS20-07.1B rev.1 Role and Status of HGMIO (IHB and Chair HGMIO)
CHRIS20-07.1C Role and Future of HGMIO (USA-NOAA)
 CHRIS20-07.2A Status Report on Inland ENC development (Denise LaDue, USA, Co-Chair IEHG)
 CHRIS20-08.1A rev.1 Revision of M-3 "IHO Resolutions" (IHB)
CHRIS20-09.1A rev.1 Transition to HSSC (IHB)
CHRIS20-10A rev.2 Consolidated CHRIS Work Plan (IHB)

Information Papers

CHRIS20-INF1 Status of IHO Publications on Standards and Specifications (IHB)
CHRIS20-INF2 United States endorsement of S-100
CHRIS20-INF3 Proposed amendments to the Draft TORs for Tidal Working Group (Finland)
CHRIS20-INF4 Report on IEC and RTCM Work Relating to Electronic Charting (USA-NOAA)
Data Chain Certification Concept (RTCA)