SCUFN32-04.6A Rev1

Proposals* from DHN, Brazil, May 2019, Rev1 in August 2019 taking into account Decisions and Actions from SCUFN32

* IHO Disclaimer Notice

 Proposals from Brazil, DHN, emails dated 30 May and 7 June 2019.

Index Maps A, B and C (Rev1)

  1. Proposal (Index Map B#5) for Alpha Crucis Seamount

  2. Proposal (Index Map B#6) for Beta Crucis Seamount

  3. Proposal (Index Map A#3) for Bosísio Basin

  4. Proposal (Index Map A#4) for Caboclo Basin

  5. Proposal (Index Map A#2) for Constituição Basin

  6. Proposal (Index Map B#7)  for Delta Crucis Seamount

  7. Left blank intentionnally

  8. Proposal (Index Map B#9) for Epsilon Crucis Seamount

  9. Proposal (Index Map A#1) for Fernando de Almeida Seamount

  10. Proposal (Index Map B#8) for Gama Crucis Seamount

  11. Proposal Rev1 (Index Map B#10) for Griep Seamount

  12. Proposal (Index Map B#11) for Vital de Oliveira Hill

  13. Proposals (4) for fast-track UFN names Rev1 ( .xls ) -  Index Map C#12, 13, 14, 15) - Complementary information for Drina Shoal,
    Fernando de Noronha Fracture Zone and Charcot Fracture Zone and for Strakhov Fracture Zone (known as Four North Fracture Zone)

  14. Shape files available on request