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Southern African and Islands Hydrographic Commission (SAIHC)

Commission hydrographique de
l´Afrique et des îles australes (CHAIA)

Chair: RAdm Tim Lowe (UK)
Vice-Chair: Capt Theo STOKES (South Africa)
Président: CAm Tim Lowe (RU) 
Vice-Président: CV Theo STOKES (Afrique du Sud)
Members: France, Mauritius, Mozambique, Norway, Republic of South Africa, Seychelles, United Kingdom. Membres: Afrique du Sud, France, Maurice, Mozambique, Norvège, Royaume-Uni, Seychelles.
Associate Members: Angola, Comores, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Portugal, Tanzania. Membres associés : Angola, Comores, Inde, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibie, Portugal, Tanzanie.
IHO Secretariat Representatives:
Director Abri KAMPFER
Assistant Director Anthony PHARAOH
Représentants du Secrétariat de l'OHI:
Directeur Abri KAMPFER
Adjoint au Directeur Anthony PHARAOH
Brief History

The Southern African and Islands Hydrographic Commission (SAIHC) was established in Cape Town, South Africa on 29 August 1996, on the occasion of the inaugural meeting of SAIHC as part of a regional initiative. Its first Chairman was Captain (SAN) B.D. Law, Hydrographer of the SA Navy. The main objective of the meeting was to improve hydrography in the region. South Africa was appointed Coordinator of the INT Chart Scheme Region H. The main achievements have been the agreements reached to improve surveying and charting in the region, with focus on capacity building.
Brève histoire

La commission hydrographique de l´Afrique et des îles australes (CHAIA) fut créée au Cap, Afrique du Sud, le 29 août 1996, à l´occasion de la réunion inaugurale de la CHAIA, dans le cadre d´une initiative régionale. Son premier président fut le capitaine de vaisseau (SAN) B.D. Law, directeur du Service hydrographique de la marine sud-africaine. Le principal objectif de la réunion visait à améliorer l´hydrographie dans la région. L´Afrique du Sud a été nommée coordinateur de la Région H du plan de cartes INT. Les principaux accomplissements ont été les accords conclus pour améliorer l´hydrographie et la cartographie dans la région, l´accent étant mis sur le renforcement des capacités.

Structure for National Reports

Structure des rapports nationaux
Statutes (2018) Letters ICCWG ToR & RoP Statuts (2018) Lettres ICCWG ToR & RoP

Next Meeting  
17th Meeting - Mauritius (7 - 10 September 2020) Documents

Past Meetings  
16th Meeting - Cape Town, South Africa (2 - 5 September 2019) Documents
15th Meeting - Seychelles (27 - 30 August 2018) Documents
14th Meeting - La Réunion (6 - 8 September 2017 - including ICCWG Meeting). Documents
13th Meeting - Cape Town, South Africa (29 - 31 August 2016) (ICCWG meeting took place on 29 August) Documents
12th Meeting - Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania (22 & 23 September 2015) Documents
11th Meeting - Maputo, Mozambique (11-13 August 2014). Documents
10th Meeting - Lisbon, Portugal, (16-18 September  2013). Documents
9th Meeting - Walmer, Mauritius, (18 - 19 September 2012). Documents
8th Meeting - Walvis Bay, Namibia (6 - 7 September 2011) Documents
7th Meeting - Saint Denis, La Réunion, (14 to 17 September 2009). Documents
6th Meeting - Mangochi, Malaw (27 - 28 August 2007) Documents
2nd Ext Meeting - Maputo, Mozambique (7 - 8 June 2006) Report
5th Meeting - Simonstown - Cape Town (27 - 28 September 2005) Documents
4th Meeting - Namibia Swakopmund (25 - 26 September 2003) Documents
1st Extraordinary Meeting - Pretoria, South Africa (20 March 2003) Report

(.PDF)  (.XLSX)
SAIHC ICCWG 2016 Member Questionnaire (.docx sheet) Link

