IHO Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS)

10 th CHRIS Meeting
30 Oct to 1 Nov 1998 (Singapore)

Last update: June 02, 2008

Post Meeting Documents:   [Minutes]  -  [Photos]

List of Documents CHRIS/10/1A/rev.5 

List of Participants CHRIS/10/1B/rev.3 

Membership of CHRIS and related WGs CHRIS/10/1C/rev.3 

Abridged Agenda  CHRIS/10/2A/rev.1

Annonated Agenda  CHRIS/10/2B/rev.2 

Minutes of 9th CHRIS Meeting  CHRIS/10/3A 

Actions arising from the Minutes of the 9th CHRIS Meeting  CHRIS/10/3B

Draft TSMAD response to IALA on their proposal on VTS information and ECDIS  CHRIS/10/3C/rev.1

IHO Meeting on HGE Matters, Monaco  CHRIS/10/5A 

69th Meeting of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, London and 44th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV 44), London  CHRIS/10/6A

Report on IEC 61174 developments and on the future of IEC/TC80/WG7  CHRIS/10/7A

Standard IEC 61174  CHRIS/10/7B

3rd WEND Meeting, Goa, India  CHRIS/10/8A

Informal meeting to promote the "SHARED" Project, Singapore CHRIS/10/9A

Report - Second Informal meeting on "SHARED" Project  CHRIS/10/9A add

DQWG Report  CHRIS/10/10.1A

TSMAD Report  CHRIS/10/10.2A/rev.2

C&SMWG Report CHRIS/10/10.3A

TAWG Report  CHRIS/10/10.4A

A Review of the relationship of the ENC and DNC Hydrographic Vector Data Products  CHRIS/10/11.1A

Work on ISO TC 211 Working Group 5  CHRIS/10/11.2A

ISO/TC 211 Geographic information - Part 2 : Overview  CHRIS/10/11.2B

Report on CEN/TC 287 activities  CHRIS/10/11.3A

Report on ICA Commission for the Transfer of Spatial Data  CHRIS/10/11.4A

Vector Data Development - Australia  CHRIS/10/12.2A

ENC Development in New Zealand  CHRIS/10/12.2B

Update on the Status of the US (NOAA) ENC Program  CHRIS/10/12.2C

ECDIS Implementation and ENC Production - Canada  CHRIS/10/12.2D

Inland Waterway Electronic Chart Project - USA (NOAA)  CHRIS/10/12.2E

Swedish Status Report on Chart Digitizing for ENC Data  CHRIS/10/12.2F

Inland Waterways Electronic Chart project for river Rhine (Germany)  CHRIS/10/12.2G

ENC Development in Norway  CHRIS/10/12.2H

ENC Development in Japan  CHRIS/10/12.2I

French ENC Production  CHRIS/10/12.2J

ENC Development in Italy  CHRIS/10/12.2K

Report of the Chilean ENC Project  CHRIS/10/12.2M

Status for the Danish ENC Production  CHRIS/10/12.2N

UK Report on Progress in ENC production  CHRIS/10/12.2O

Germany ENC Data Production  CHRIS/10/12.2P

 ENC Singapore Country Report  CHRIS/10/12.2Q

 Report on END Development in Maritime Safety Administration of China  CHRIS/10/12.2R

Plan and views on Development of ENC in Rep. of Korea  CHRIS/10/12.2S

ENC Development in Finland  CHRIS/10/12.3A

Report on ENC Development in National Hydrographic Office, India  CHRIS/10/12.3B

Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) Development - USA (NIMA)  CHRIS/10/12.4A

IMO Approves Standard for Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) - USA (NOAA)  CHRIS/10/13A

Report on Raster Development - Australia  CHRIS/10/13.2A

Raster Nautical Chart Development - USA  CHRIS/10/13.2B

Marine Information Objects (MOI) Present Sattus and Expected Developments  CHRIS/10/14A

Status of IHO Publications on ECDIS  CHRIS/10/15A

Preliminary list of generic tests for ENC production  CHRIS/10/16A