Logistics Information
Form |
HCA Letter announcing the 13th HCA Conference |
HCA13 Poster |
rev1 |
List of Meeting Documents
(Secretary) |
rev4 |
List of Participants
(Secretary) |
HCA13-02A |
HCA Membership and Observers List
(Secretary) |
rev4 |
Agenda and
Timetable (Chair) |
rev1 |
Programme (Spain) |
rev2 |
Status of Actions List from the
HCA Conference (Secretary) |
HCA13-05B |
IHO guidelines for the collection and rendering of
hydrographic data by Ships of Opportunity operating in the Antarctic Region
(New Zealand) |
HCA13-06.2A |
COMNAP Report |
HCA13-06.2B |
COMNAP's response to a proposed IHO-COMNAP MoU |
HCA13-06.3A |
IAATO Report
Presentation |
HCA13-06.5A |
IALA activities affecting HCA
Presentation |
HPWG Meeting (3 Dec 1600 - 4 Dec 1030) |
Agenda (HPWG
Chair) |
Review of Region M Small-Scale ENC Scheme (New Zealand) |
Existing Overview ENC Coverage (HPWG
Chair) |
Proposed Overview ENC Scheme based on INT Chart 1: 2M series
(HPWG Chair) |
Existing General ENC Coverage
(HPWG Chair) |
Proposed General ENC Scheme based on INT 1:500K series (HPWG
Chair) |
Proposed Coastal ENC Scheme (Antarctic Peninsula) based on
INT 1:90K - 1:350K series (HPWG Chair) |
Proposed Coastal ENC Scheme (Antarctica) based on INT 1:90K
- 1:350K series (HPWG Chair) |
HCA13-HPWG8 (.xls) |
Proposed Approach, Harbour & Berthing ENC Scheme (HPWG
Chair) |
HCA13-07.1A |
Kongsberg Maritime - Operations in Antarctica and Arctic
Presentation |
HCA13-07.2A |
FugroPelagos - Expertise and Experience in Hydrographic
Surveying with Focus on High Latitudes
Presentation |
HCA13-07.3A |
HPWG Report (HPWG Chair)
Presentation |
HCA13-07.3B |
Revised Long Term Survey Plan
(HPWG Chair) |
HCA13-07.3C |
Revised Survey Short List
(HPWG Chair) |
HCA13-08.1A |
INT Chart Scheme and Production Status (IHB) |
HCA13-08.1B rev1 |
INT Charts not yet Published
(IHB) |
HCA13-08.1C rev1 |
Layout of INT Chart Production Status
(IHB) |
HCA13-08.1D |
IHB letter to AU-CN-IN-RU on a proposed new INT chart at
Larsemann Hills (IHB) |
HCA13-08.1E |
New INT Chart - Larsemann Hills (HPWG Chair)
Presentation |
HCA13-08.2A rev1 |
ENC Schemes and Production Status in Antarctica
(IHB) |
HCA13-08.3A |
The “Icy“ CARIS - Ping-To-Chart Solution
Presentation |
HCA13-08.4.1A |
GEBCO Report
Presentation |
HCA13-08.4.1B |
Undersea Feature Names in Antarctica (IHB) |
HCA13-08.4.2A |
IBCSO Report
Presentation |
National Reports
Template for
Presentation of National Reports (.ppt) |
HCA13-08.5.1Aa |
National Report, Argentina
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ab |
National Report, Australia
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ac |
National Report, Brazil
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ad |
National Report, Chile
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Af |
Report, France
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ag |
National Report, Germany
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Aj |
National Report, Korea (Rep of) |
HCA13-08.5.1Ak |
National Report, New Zealand
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Al |
National Report, Norway
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Am |
National Report, Russian Federation |
HCA13-08.5.1An |
National Report, South Africa
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ao |
National Report, Spain |
HCA13-08.5.1Ap |
National Report, United Kingdom
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Aq |
National Report, United
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1Ar |
National Report, Peru
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.1As |
National Report, Colombia
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.2A |
GIS for Antarctica Progress Report (IHB)
Presentation |
HCA13-08.5.3A |
MSDI in Antarctica - “Interoperability at Work?” (MSDIWG
Presentation |
Information Papers
HCA13-INF1 |
Current HCA Statutes
(Chair) |
HCA13-INF2 |
Minutes of the
12th HCA Conference (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2012) (Secretary) |
HCA13-INF3 |
IHO Report submitted to ATCM-XXXVI (Brussels, Belgium, 2013) FR ES
(Chair) |
HCA13-INF4 |
Outcomes from ATCM-XXXVI
(Chair) |
HCA13-INF5 |
IAATO Overview of Antarctic Tourism: 2012-13 Season and
Preliminary Estimates for 2013-14 Season |
HCA13-INF6 |
Establishing the DCDB as a Global Digital Bathymetry
Reference Data Store (Chair)
Presentation |